Pastor and Lady Whaley are faithful people of God, who were installed as shepherds over ETAC Lighthouse Ministries March 11, 2018.
They are parents to 3 beautiful girls. Pastor and Lady Whaley are deeply invested in building the Kingdom of God, and are always looking for an opportunity to share their faith.
They both do their best to live their lives according to the scripture in Galatians 6:2 “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
In 1982, while under the leadership of Bishop Elize W. Young, serving faithfully in the office of
Deacon and Trustee, the Lord called Pastor Whaley into the ministry.
The news came in 1986, that the company Pastor Whaley worked for would be transferring him to Richmond, Virginia. However, reluctant to go, leaving his church Pastor Whaley found work in Dayton, Ohio.

Pastor Whaley, along with the support of his wife Mother Mattie Whaley and his family began to hold bible class in the home of Mother Verna Walker. With the help and support of Mother Verna Walker and family, Emmanuel Temple Apostolic Church was born.
In 1987 the Lord spoke to Pastor Whaley, directing him to return to Cincinnati, Ohio where he was to build his ministry. The Lord directed them to 4037 Hamilton Avenue, where Pastor and Mother Whaley, by the help of God established Emmanuel Temple Apostolic Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. The church was small, but the congregation soon began to grow.
The first member to be baptized and filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost was Berry Reese. The late Francis Kee established the first Pastor’s Aide Committee on July 2, 1989. Due to the poor conditions of the building, Pastor and Mother Whaley began to pray and seek the Lord for another church location.
On October 25, 1991, the Lord answered their prayers, with a new location: 5730 Lantana Avenue. The ministry began to blossom and Brother Samuel Duane Walker became the church’s first trustee. The church remained at this location for three years and then Pastor and Mother Whaley were informed that the building would be sold.
On July 19, 1993, while searching for a new church home, Pastor Whaley finished his studies at Grace Apostolic College and received his Doctor of Divinity and Ministry. September 1, 1994 the church moved into it’s new home, 6262 Daily Road. The Lord continued to save souls and send laborers.
One day a friend of Pastor Whaley’s called him. During the conversation, Pastor Whaley stated they were looking for a new church home. His friend asked him if he knew Pastor’s Mead’s church was for sale? He replied “no.” The next day, Pastor Whaley and Brother Walker went to Pastor Mead and inquired about the sale. Immediately, the for sale sign was taken down. On Thursday, July 31, 1997, by the help of the Lord, they purchased the church building, 1541 Knowlton Street.
June of 1997 Mother Whaley established a tutoring program, called the Next Phase Tutoring Program. On November 9, 1997, Pastor Whaley ordained our first deacon, Deacon Garland S. Holt. On July 11, 1999, Pastor Whaley along with Diocese Bishop Johnny L. Johnson installed Elder Larry Wright as Assistant Pastor. On September 14, 1999, Sister Gladys Evans was concentrated as a Mother of the church. In July 2000, Pastor Whaley was elected District Elder in the PCAF National Convention held in Indianapolis, Indiana.
On December 14, 2007 the church moved to its current location 1585 Compton Road where Pastor Whaley was installed as Bishop on October 18, 2009. As God is faithful to his promises Overseer Bishop and Mother Whaley were able to see their legacy move forward. On March 18, 2018, their son Andre Whaley was installed as Pastor of ETAC Lighthouse Ministries. Pastor and Lady Morgan Whaley are diligently pushing the legacy forward.